Futurity News & Information

OK HERE WE GO! The beginning of our Online Nominations. For those heading to Tamworth, BOOK YOUR PRE WORKS online & download the SCHEDULE OF EVENTS from the website - https://www.rafuturity.com/what-s-happening It's one of reining's most thrilling competitions. THE BIG ONE! The futurity is where you will see some of the top professionals and non pro’s go head to head for the coverted title of Open Futurity Champion.! DON’T MISS IT – The 2017 Reining Australia Gold Buckle Futurity & National Show. 19th-23rd September STREAMING LIVE. To keep up with the latest futurity news, make sure you visit our website www.rafuturity.com
Download: Competitors Pack
Link: Online Nominations
Link: Book Pre Works
Link: Camping & Stabling