EQUITANA WOTH & Education Application
Education Program Here's an opportunity for our Professionals to showcase their skills and the skills of the Reining Horse in front of...
Wendy O'sullivan Resignation
Hello Members, On behalf of the Reining Australia Board we would like to advise we have accepted Wendy O'Sullivan's resignation, we wish...
Shane Watts Resignation
Hello Members, On behalf of the Reining Australia Board we would like to advise we have accepted Shane Watts resignation, we wish to...
Update Your Birth Date
The NRHA Membership Department would like to get a better idea of the age of their members,Those who are currently NRHA members, please...
Treasurer's Resignation
Hello Members, On behalf of the Reining Australia Board we would like to advise we have accepted Sara Agnew's resignation, we wish to...
RA Change of Venue Survey
Reining Australia News Release from the President The recent Facebook survey was posted to assist the Board in making an informed...
Reining Australia All Time Top Horse & Rider - as at 11/15
Rider Year To Date Earnings - published 11/15 Horse to Date Earnings - published 11/15
AGM Bookings
Reining Australia Inc AGM & Awards Night Saturday, 6th February. 2016 Dinner Bookings - Awards Night will commence 6.30 pm Cost $60 - 3...
Top 20 Horse & Rider Earnings - 2015
Congratulations to those who have made the list ! Top 20 Horse Earnings Top 20 Rider Earnings
Notice Of AGM
Please find attached Notice of the Reining Australia AGM and request for Nominations to the Board and Notice of motions. Notice of...